Korea KC Certification


Korea KC Certification

Certifications Required in Korea

Required product certifications differ by country depending on the purpose and environment of use. It is important to recognize that Korea demands a wide range of product certification procedures, thus necessitating making preparations accordingly. Basic certifications are listed below (refer to the corresponding section for details)

1. Consumer products

  • - KC certification: Electrical safety, EMC, energy efficiency, household goods, and children's products

2. Industrial equipment
  • - KCs certification: Electrical and mechanical safety
  • - KC certification: EMC

3. Medical devices: MFDS
4. Automotive components: KC certification
5. Chemicals
  • - Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances
  • - Chemical Substances Control Act
  • - Eco-Assurance System of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Vehicles (EcoAS)
  • - Consumer Chemical Products and Biocides Safety Control Act

6. Assessment of the materials and structure of packaging materials

👉 Contact GCA

Tel. +82-31-360-8180
Email: forest.lee@gca-kr.com


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