KC Certification-Energy Efficiency

KC Certification-Energy Efficiency

KC Certification-Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is mostly applied to home and office appliances and is also voluntarily applicable to industrial products and facilities.

The Energy Efficiency system is comprised of the following three programs. 

▮ MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standard) Program

This is a mandatory program arranged to induce domestic manufacturers and importers to make and sell energy efficient products. Efficiency ratings are labeled from 1 through 5, and the minimum energy performance standard (MEPS), the lower limit of energy consumption efficiency, applies.

Products that do not comply with the MEPS are prohibited from manufacturing and selling.

Products subject to the MEPS program

Refrigerator, washing machine, water heater/cooler, vacuum cleaner, electric fan, air purifier, AC adapter, TV, etc.


Energy consumption efficiency rating label

e-Standby Program

This is a mandatory program that encourages the reduction of standby power of electronic products while they are not being used.

Products subject to the e-Standby program

Computer, monitor, printer, fax, copier, scanner, audio device, microwave, server, wired/wireless router, etc.


Standby power warning and energy saving mark

Not satisfied, mandatory mark

Satisfied, voluntary mark

▮ High-efficiency Certification Program

This is a voluntary program in which the government certifies products that satisfy a certain energy consumption efficiency level. 

Products subject to the high-efficiency certification program

Gas boiler, temperature and humidity chamber, pump, UPS, ESS, LED exit light, light luminaire, LED lamp, etc.


High-efficiency mark

▮ Related website

Korea Energy Agency: https://eep.energy.or.kr

👉 Contact GCA

Tel. +82-31-360-8180
Email: forest.lee@gca-kr.com


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