KCs Ex Certification | Explosion Proof Products


KCs Ex Certification

Explosion-proof structural electric machines are subject to safety certification. Manufacturers and importers must acquire the safety certification (KCs) and place the mark on the products.

A certificate is issued after a document review, technical capability/production system inspection, and product inspection. The process is conducted annually to ensure the manufacturer continues to comply with the safety standards.

▮ Required documents (if IECEx certificate is available)

- IECEx certificate and test report (all versions) for product and explosion-proof components
- QAR report (initial and regular)
- Technical document on ExTR cover (drawings and manufacturing documentation)
- Product specifications
- User guide (Korean)
- Product appearance drawings
- Label drawings

▮ KCs marking

▮ Related website

Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency: https://kosha.or.kr

👉 Contact GCA

Tel. +82-31-360-8180
Email: forest.lee@gca-kr.com


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