KC Certification-Industrial Equipment | KCs


KC Certification-Industrial Equipment | KCs

KC Certification-Industrial Equipment | KCs

Industrial equipment is subject to either Safety Certification or Self-declaration of Conformity, depending on the degree of risks, and the products and necessary procedures are as follows.

▮ Safety Certification

Product inspection and quality inspection (technical capability and production system inspections) on high-risk industrial equipment to determine their safety compatibility.


▪ Products subject to safety certification

Press, shearing machine, press brake, crane, lift, pressure vessel, roller, injection molding machine, mobile elevated work platform, gondola

▮ Self-declaration of Conformity 

This is a procedure comprised of product inspection for products with relatively low potential risks. If the manufacturer is able, it can self-evaluate the product. If the manufacturer does not have necessary testing equipment and facilities, it can request product testing to an authorized testing laboratory accredited by KOLAS, ILAC, and APLAC.


▪ Products subject to self-declaration of conformity

Grinder, industrial robot, mixer, crusher, food processing machine, conveyor, vehicle lifts, machine tools, fixed-type wood processing machine, printing machine

▮ Required documents

- User guide (Korean)

- Risk assessment report

- Test (inspection) report

- Product appearance and assembly drawings

- Electrical circuit diagram (if applicable)

▮ KCs marking

▮ Related website

Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency: https://kosha.or.kr

👉 Contact GCA

Tel. +82-31-360-8180
Email: forest.lee@gca-kr.com


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