South Korea Speeds Up Domestication of Advanced HVDC Technology


South Korea Speeds Up Domestication of Advanced HVDC Technology

South Korea Speeds Up Domestication of Advanced HVDC Technology

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced that it will hold the 'Domestication of Voltage-Type Ultra-High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Technology Development Achievement Presentation' on November 10.


HVDC transmission utilizes the ultra-high-voltage direct current method, offering advantages such as long-distance, high-capacity transmission, power flow control, and the absence of electromagnetic waves compared to traditional alternating current transmission.

South Korea accelerates domestication of advanced Voltage Source Converter-based Ultra-High-Voltage Direct Current (VSC-HVDC) technology, known for real-time bidirectional power flow control and grid stability advantages.


Korea plans to achieve domestication of VSC-HVDC technology by March 2024 after conducting performance evaluations on the actual grid through the Yangju Converter Station testbed.

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