LG and KAIST Develop Advanced Lithium-Metal Battery for Electric Vehicles


LG Energy Solution and KAIST jointly developed foundational technology for lithium-metal batteries, aiming to extend the driving range by about 50% and significantly improve charging efficiency and lifespan compared to lithium-ion batteries.

양식의 맨 위


The existing lithium-metal batteries have been criticized for limitations such as the threat to battery lifespan and safety due to the occurrence of dendrites on the cathode surface and continuous corrosion caused by the liquid electrolyte.


The research team successfully addressed the limitations of traditional lithium-metal batteries by introducing a groundbreaking 'borate-pyran-based liquid electrolyte,' enhancing charging efficiency, and achieving a high energy density for a 900km driving range on a single charge.

In addition, the team emphasized that the technology ensures stability with over 400 recharge cycles, allowing for a simplified battery system design to enhance the driving range of electric vehicles.

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