Start of K-Carbon Flagship Technology Development for securing core carbon material technologies

Start of K-Carbon Flagship Technology Development for securing core carbon material technologies

Start of K-Carbon Flagship Technology Development for securing core carbon material technologies

Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy initiates "K-Carbon Flagship Technology Development Project" to support carbon materials technology for key industries.


Carbon materials, crucial for industries like aerospace and secondary batteries, have diverse applications ranging from everyday items to advanced technologies, making them pivotal for future industries as they replace traditional materials like steel.


The government plans to invest 1.046 trillion won by 2028, with an initial 124 billion won this year, to secure top-tier carbon material technologies for five key industries like aerospace and defense. This aims to gain a competitive edge in future strategic industries and enhance the safety of advanced material supply chains.

A business briefing is scheduled for February 19th in Seoul. Applications for participation will be accepted from February 27th to March 8th.


The government will invest in technology development projects like "Establishment of Carbon Industry Infrastructure" and "High-Performance Carbon Nanocomposite Fiber Technology Development" to ensure the competitiveness of the carbon materials industry and drive advancement across various sectors.

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