What is High Efficiency Certification Program?

High Efficiency Certification Mark

What is High Efficiency Certification Program?


The High Efficiency Energy Equipment Certification Program is a voluntary system that certifies energy-using equipment that meets the energy efficiency and quality test inspection results above certain standards notified by the government as high-efficiency energy equipment.


This certification Program is aimed at promoting the spread of high-efficiency products and establishing an early market, and the Korea Energy Agency issues high-efficiency energy equipment certificates upon voluntary application by manufacturers or importers.


Manufacturers and importers who wish to obtain certification must test their products at a high-efficiency testing center according to the published technical standards and measurement methods, obtain a test report, and apply online within one year.


As the scope of application, test items, and required manufacturing and inspection facilities differ for each product, please contact GCA KOREA for more information.

👉 Contact GCA

Tel. +82-31-360-8180
Email: forest.lee@gca-kr.com


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