MFDS Announces Partial Amendment to the Medical Devices Act Enforcement Rule

Medical Devices (MFDS) The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) has announced a partial amendment to the Enforcement Rule of the Medical Devices Act. Public opinions will be collected until July 23, 2024. • The basis for the disclosure of comprehensive plans and implementation plans for medical device safety management will be established. • The reporting procedure will be clarified to allow the manufacturing and import of low-risk Class I medical devices through manufacturing and import notification only. • To clarify the medical device notification acceptance procedure, the acceptance period will be set to 5 days, matching the Class II certification period, and a new form for the notification acceptance certificate (including conditional certificates) will be established. • Clinical trials with minimal risk to participants will be exempt from clinical trial plan approval. • Clinical trials that non-clinical trial institutions can participate in will be defined, and gui...