
Showing posts from August, 2024

KCs Ex Certification | Compatibility with IECEx and ATEX

  KCs Ex Certification for explosion proof products KCs Ex Certification and Its Compatibility with IECEx and ATEX The IECEx and ATEX international explosion-proof certification systems are globally recognized, and KCs Ex certification is also mutually compatible with these international certifications. Thanks to this compatibility, global companies can easily certify and sell the same product in multiple countries. However, even if a product has already obtained IECEx or ATEX certification, it must still acquire KCs Ex certification to be sold or installed in Korea. During the KCs Ex certification process, some testing and documentation requirements may be waived or simplified. Challenges and Solutions for Obtaining KCs Ex Certification The process of obtaining KCs Ex certification in Korea can be challenging due to complex procedures and extensive documentation requirements. However, with GCA KOREA, you can avoid these complexities and proceed with the certification process quickly

What is e-labeling?

Electronic Labeling (e-labeling) allows manufacturers to use electronic means, such as firmware, software, or QR codes, instead of physical markings to display the conformity assessment mark on products.   - Display Method: Used for products with built-in displays (e.g., projectors) where the mark can be shown directly on the display. - QR Code Method: Information is embedded in a QR code or linked to a webpage showing the conformity details.   Products using e- labeling must state this on their packaging or user manuals, ensuring easy access to information without special codes.   If you have more questions about e-labeling, please contact us below.  👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website

KCs Ex Certification | Essential Explosion-Proof Safety for Industries

  KCs Ex Certification for explosion proof products What is KCs Ex Certification? Essential Safety for Explosion-Proof Products KCs Ex Certification is a Korean explosion-proof safety certification system that ensures electrical machines and devices used in industrial environments with explosion hazards meet strict safety standards. This certification is crucial for the safe use of products in explosive environments and helps protect the safety of workers. Why is KCs Ex Explosion-Proof Certification Necessary? 1. Ensuring Safety In environments with explosive gases, dust, or other hazardous substances, even a small spark can lead to an explosion. KCs Ex Certification minimizes these risks by ensuring products are designed to prevent accidents, thus safeguarding workers' safety. 2. Legal Requirement Under the Korean Industrial Safety and Health Act, electrical machines and equipment with explosion-proof structures must obtain KCs Ex Certification. This is a mandatory requirement to

1st Technology Regulation Research Forum on KC Certification Held

  On August 27th, the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) held the first session of the "Technology Regulation Research Forum" in Gangnam. This forum, which will run until November, is focused on improving the technical regulation framework in Korea. Key Initiatives Impact Assessments: KATS is enhancing the review process for significant regulations, including new standards and certifications, requiring them to undergo evaluation by the Technical Regulation Committee. Conformity Review: KATS plans to refine the criteria for the upcoming three-year "Conformity Assessment Effectiveness Review" to streamline unnecessary systems. A detailed plan will be finalized by December. 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards Holds Product Safety Policy Forum

  The Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) and the Korea Product Safety Management Institute hosted the first Product Safety Policy Forum on August 23. This forum serves as a think tank, bringing together experts to tackle product safety blind spots caused by the online market's rapid growth and the rise of convergence products. To ensure product safety and reliability, it is essential to obtain KC certification, which is nationally recognized, so that consumers can trust and use the product with confidence. Visit our website to check out the latest regulations on Korea KC Certification! 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website

AI Based Safe Driving Pilot Program Launched

The AI-based Safe Driving Support Program uses AI cameras to monitor bus drivers in real-time, providing instant feedback and audible warnings for major traffic violations. Last year, the program reduced traffic accidents by 93.5% and significantly improved driving behaviors across 60 buses in two city bus companies. To expand this success, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport has partnered with LG Electronics and the Korea Transportation Safety Authority to pilot the program on LG’s commuter buses. For more details, please visit the GCA KOREA website. 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website

MFDS Revises CGMP to Align with International Standards

  Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) has updated the "Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP)" to better align with international standards, including ISO 22716. This revision aims to simplify export processes for domestic cosmetics manufacturers by ensuring compliance with globally recognized GMP standards. You can find detailed information on the latest Korean MFDS regulatory updates on the GCA KOREA website . 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email:

KC Certification Classification of Conformity Assessment

In South Korea, KC Certification is essential for ensuring that equipment related to the radio environment and communication networks meets safety and performance standards. Depending on the level of risk and the type of equipment, manufacturers, sellers, and importers must follow different conformity assessment.   KC Conformity Certification Anyone who intends to manufacture, sell, or import equipment that may pose a risk to the radio environment or communication networks, or that could cause significant electromagnetic interference or be affected to the point where it disrupts normal operation, must obtain a conformity certification. This certification requires passing tests based on compliance evaluation standards at a designated testing institution, followed by an assessment by the National Radio Research Agency.   KC Conformity Registration Anyone who intends to manufacture, sell, or import equipment that poses a somewhat lower risk to the radio environment or communication networ

Korea's National Intellectual Property Commission publishes report on artificial intelligence and IPR

The Presidential Council on Intellectual Property has released a comprehensive report on the current state of large scale AI. It explores the impact of AI on intellectual property, the challenges it presents, and the need for new legal frameworks as AI technology evolves. Highlights: Research Directions: New agendas for AI-related intellectual property. Focus on Generative AI: Analysis of technological innovations and global discussions. Global Standards: Efforts to create ethical AI policies and international cooperation. Adapting to Change: Strategies to address intellectual property challenges in the AI era.   The report is available for download on the Intellectual Property Committee’s website: 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website

South Korea Launches National AI Research Hub to Become a Global Leader

South Korea is making bold moves to become one of the world's top three AI powerhouses. The Ministry of Science and ICT, along with IITP, has chosen a consortium of KAIST, Korea University, Yonsei University, and POSTECH to lead the creation of a national AI research hub in Seoul. This hub will be located in Seoul's AI center, covering 7,050.5 square meters. It will bring together universities, local governments, and businesses to build a strong AI ecosystem in South Korea. Notably, top AI institutions from the U.S., Canada, and France will collaborate on cutting-edge research projects. International AI experts will work closely with domestic researchers, with regular events to foster global collaboration. This initiative is a significant step in South Korea's journey to becoming a global leader in AI. 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website

MFDS July 2024 Medical Product Approval Update: 126 Items Approved

  In July 2024, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) approved a total of 126 medical product items. These approvals include: • 22 Pharmaceuticals • 2 Quasi-drugs • 102 Medical Devices Curious about how the July medical product approvals compare to last month or last year? Check out the details, along with more information on the latest regulations and updates regarding Korean medical devices , on the GCA KOREA website . 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website

The transfer of the Computer Energy Efficiency Management System is planned

  The transfer of the Computer Energy Efficiency Management System is planned   Starting January 1, 2025, computers that do not meet the minimum energy efficiency standards will be prohibited from production, import, and sale. This regulation applies to personal and office computers, including desktops and notebooks, with some exceptions. For more information, please contact GCA KOREA.   If you have any inquiries regarding the planned transfer of the Computer  Energy Efficiency  Management System, please contact  GCA KOREA 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website

KC EMC Certification Marking

  The following marking requirements apply to equipment that has received KC EMC certification: 1. Equipment with Certification of Conformity, Registration of Conformity, Interim of Conformity Such equipment must have the conformity assessment marking (including the KC mark, certification or registration number, company name, product name, model number, manufacturing date, manufacturer, and country of origin) firmly affixed to the product or its packaging. 2. Equipment with Self-Conformity Verification Such equipment must have the conformity assessment marking (including the KC mark, model number, and management number) affixed to the product or its packaging. Additionally, the Self-Conformity Verification marking must be included in the manual. The KC EMC certification marking must be indicated before domestically manufactured products are released and before imported products undergo customs clearance. You can check the example of the KC EMC label here . 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-36

Opening of the 19th International Standards Olympiad

Opening of the 19th International Standards Olympiad   The world’s only international standards competition for youth, aimed at nurturing future talent, has begun. The Korean Agency for Technology and Standards announced the 19th International Standards Olympiad finals, with 120 students from 11 countries, including Korea, Japan, China, and Singapore.   This year's International Standards Olympiad sees its largest participation yet, with 11 countries involved, including newcomers Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan. Since its inception in 2006, this is the first time that more international teams (22) are competing than domestic teams (18) in the finals, with 40 teams selected through national preliminaries.   The event runs from August 12th to 14th, where teams' projects will be evaluated by judges from ISO, IEC, and domestic experts, to select the winning teams. Additionally, fun activities like games, quiz shows, and cultural exchanges, including traditional dances, will

Korean MFDS Amends the Medical Device Act Enforcement Rules

  On August 7, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) made significant revisions to the Medical Device Act Enforcement Rules. These updates, effective from August 7, 2024, bring several key changes. 🔹 All Class 1 medical devices will be unified under a notification system. 🔹 Exemptions from clinical trial plan approvals will be expanded. 🔹 Participation criteria for non-clinical trial institutions will be established. 🔹 Standards for Braille and markings for the visually and hearing impaired will be established. This revision is expected to expedite entry into the medical device market and enhance the usability of medical devices for vulnerable populations. 🌐 Looking for Korean Medical Device Certification? For all your Korean medical device certification needs, contact GCA KOREA. 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website

Post-Market Surveillance for Conformity Assessment

Post-Market Surveillance for Conformity Assessment   Products distributed in the market are collected and tested for compliance with technical conformity assessment standards. Through monitoring activities such as field investigations, compliance with obligations is examined, and administrative actions are taken in cases of violations.   - Compliance with Technical Standards for Conformity Assessment After receiving conformity assessment, products must continue to comply with technical standards (such as frequency, power, bandwidth, and electromagnetic acceptance criteria) during production and sale. - Change Notification and Written Management/Disclosure for Conformity Assessment If there are any changes to the items that have received conformity assessment, these changes must be reported. Self conformity verification should be managed in writing and made publicly accessible. Any changes to the conformity assessment criteria must be made after the conformity assessment test is perform

KC EMC | Conformity Assessment Marking

KC Mark • Certification of Conformity · Registration of Conformity    Equipment Certification Number or Registration Number R - X S - A B C D - X X ∼ X X ①   ② ③   ④   ⑤   • Self-Conformity Verification    Equipment Management Number A B C D - X X ∼ X X ④   ⑤   ① Radio Waves Act ② Approval type, “C” for certification, “R” for registration and “I” for Interim ③ Only related to importers (Same equipment) ④ Applicant code (3-digit or 4-digit) ⑤ Product code (Up to 14 digits) 👉 Contact GCA Tel. +82-31-360-8180 Email: GCA Global Website